Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Business Process Outsourcing: Looking on the bright side

Business Process Outsourcing has become a major debate in the electoral party this year. America has seen the power that outsourcing has impacted on our lives. Major offshore business process outsourcing countries such as China , India and the Philippines have flourished in their economy due to this high demand of outsourcing.
Most of the toys and computer products you see on Wal-Mart are made in China— the master manufacturer for low cost products– great goods for less to us. Call Expedia or United Airlines for a flight reservation and most likely you will be talking to someone from the Philippines. Call Earthlink or Dell technical support– and you will soon realize you are talking to an IT support in India. Amazing huh!
This economic change is inevitable. On a small scale it may seem that the American jobs are taken away from us. On the bigger scope however this has a positive effect. The offshore outsourcing in Asian countries are mainly focused on customer support and manufacturing which in return increases the buying capacity of the American people. This surge in our buying capacity allows us to push our boundaries into more rewarding jobs that require a master’s degree– microbiology and advanced medicine research. So, while outsourcing is getting more and more appeal to American corporations, American economy may still have the upper hand. By improving the education and training of our American workers this will equip them for a far better rewarding jobs.
Business process outsourcing has helped a lot of business from small scale to fortune 500 companies. Each has experienced a considerable amount of success ensuring higher profits, lower cost per head on work force, and improved quality of product and services. When a company outsources some of it’s components it can also serve as an image builder for the company.
Among the countries that lead the way in business process outsourcing is the Philippines. Philippines is located in South East Asia and the culture is very diverse. What separates the Philippines from the pack is their proficiency in the English Language. Many Asian countries (ex: Japan and Korea) go to the Philippines to learn English. This goes to show the quality of English training Philippines has provided. English is already being taught in grade schoolers and Philippine text books in Science and Mathematics are also written in English. There are now short courses in English enhancement to help facilitate the transitions of those that will be working in business processing outsourcing centers in the Philippines. They teach about Culture and Communication, understanding the American culture and accent neutralization.
By outsourcing your business to the Philippines, you can ensure that the person task to take care of your customers in the US is proficient in the English language, has the educational background to back them up in their chosen field and is trained properly in the tasks they are to face.Â

Daven Michaels is an award-winning outsourcer and author of the book, ‘Outsource This!’ Daven has been honored more than any other individual or outsourcing organization. You can get more information on outsourcing by visiting www.OutsourcingOutsourcing.Com.

For more info on outsourcing companies in the Philippines click here


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